Monomotapa - A Micro CMS
Copyright (C) 2014, Paul Munday.
PO Box 28228, Portland, OR, USA 97228
paul at paulmunday.net
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
See http://paulmunday.net/license for licensing details.
a city whose inhabitants are bounded by deep feelings of friendship,
so thatthey intuit one another's most secret needs and desire. For
instance, if one dreams that his friend is sad, the friend will perceive
the distress and rush to the sleepers rescue.
(Jean de La Fontaine, *Fables choisies, mises en vers*, VIII:11 Paris,
2nd ed., 1678-9)
cited in :
Alberto Manguel and Gianni Guadalupi, *The Dictionary of Imaginary Places*,
Bloomsbury, London, 1999.
A micro app written using the Flask microframework to manage my personal site.
It is designed so that publishing a page requires no more than dropping a
markdown page in the appropriate directory (though you need to edit a json file
if you want it to appear in the top navigation).
It can also display its own source code and run its own unit tests.
The name 'monomotapa' was chosen more or less at random (it shares an initial
with me) as I didn't want to name it after the site and be typing import
paulmunday, or something similar, as that would be strange.
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, redefined-outer-name
from flask import render_template, abort, Markup, escape, request
from flask import make_response
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer, HtmlDjangoLexer, TextLexer
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
import markdown
import os.path
import os
import json
import random
import subprocess
import tempfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from monomotapa import app
from monomotapa.config import ConfigError
class MonomotapaError(Exception):
"""create classs for own errors"""
def get_page_attributes(jsonfile):
"""Returns dictionary of page_attributes.
Defines additional static page attributes loaded from json file.
N.B. static pages do not need to have attributes defined there,
it is sufficient to have a page.md in src for each /page
possible values are src (name of markdown file to be rendered)
heading, title, and trusted (i.e. allow embeded html in markdown)"""
with open(src_file(jsonfile), 'r') as pagesfile:
page_attributes = json.load(pagesfile)
except IOError:
page_attributes = []
return page_attributes
def get_page_attribute(attr_src, page, attribute):
"""returns attribute of page if it exists, else None.
attr_src = dictionary(from get_page_attributes)"""
if page in attr_src and attribute in attr_src[page]:
return attr_src[page][attribute]
return None
# Navigation
def top_navigation(page):
"""Generates navigation as an OrderedDict from navigation.json.
Navigation.json consists of a json array(list) "nav_order"
containing the names of the top navigation elements and
a json object(dict) called "nav_elements"
if a page is to show up in the top navigation
there must be an entry present in nav_order but there need not
be one in nav_elements. However if there is the key must be the same.
Possible values for nav_elements are link_text, url and urlfor
The name from nav_order will be used to set the link text,
unless link_text is present in nav_elements.
url and urlfor are optional, however if ommited the url wil be
generated in the navigation by url_for('staticpage', page=[key])
equivalent to @app.route"/page"; def page())
which may not be correct. If a url is supplied it will be used
otherwise if urlfor is supplied it the url will be
generated with url_for(urlfor). url takes precendence so it makes
no sense to supply both.
Web Sign-in is supported by adding a "rel": "me" attribute.
with open(src_file('navigation.json'), 'r') as navfile:
navigation = json.load(navfile)
base_nav = OrderedDict({})
for key in navigation["nav_order"]:
nav = {}
nav['base'] = key
nav['link_text'] = key
if key in navigation["nav_elements"]:
elements = navigation["nav_elements"][key]
base_nav[key] = nav
return {'navigation': base_nav, 'page': page}
# For pages
class Page(object):
"""Generates pages as objects"""
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
def __init__(self, page, **kwargs):
"""Define attributes for pages (if present).
Sets self.name, self.title, self.heading, self.trusted etc
This is done through indirection so we can update the defaults
(defined in the 'attributes' dictionary) with values from config.json
or pages.json easily without lots of if else statements.
If css is supplied it will overide any default css. To add additional
style sheets on a per page basis specifiy them in pages.json.
The same also applies with hlinks.
css is used to set locally hosted stylesheets only. To specify
external stylesheets use hlinks: in config.json for
default values that will apply on all pages unless overidden, set here
to override the default. Set in pages.json to add after default.
# set default attributes
self.page = page.rstrip('/')
self.defaults = get_page_attributes('defaults.json')
self.pages = get_page_attributes('pages.json')
title = page.lower()
heading = page.capitalize()
self.default_template = self.defaults['template']
except KeyError:
raise ConfigError('template not found in default.json')
# will become self.name, self.title, self.heading,
# self.footer, self.internal_css, self.trusted
attributes = {
'name': self.page, 'title': title,
'navigation': top_navigation(self.page),
'heading': heading, 'footer': None,
'css': None, 'hlinks': None, 'internal_css': None,
'trusted': False
# set from defaults
# override with kwargs
# override attributes if set in pages.json
if page in self.pages:
# set attributes (as self.name etc) using indirection
for attribute, value in attributes.iteritems():
setattr(self, attribute, value)
setattr(self, attribute, value)
# reset these as we want to append rather than overwrite if supplied
if 'css' in kwargs:
self.css = kwargs['css']
elif 'css' in self.defaults:
self.css = self.defaults['css']
if 'hlinks' in kwargs:
self.hlinks = kwargs['hlinks']
elif 'hlinks' in self.defaults:
self.hlinks = self.defaults['hlinks']
# append hlinks and css from pages.json rather than overwriting
# if css or hlinks are not supplied they are set to default
if page in self.pages:
if 'css' in self.pages[page]:
self.css = self.css + self.pages[page]['css']
if 'hlinks' in self.pages[page]:
self.hlinks = self.hlinks + self.pages[page]['hlinks']
# append heading to default if set in config
if app.config['default_title']:
self.title = app.config['default_title'] + self.title
def _get_markdown(self):
"""returns rendered markdown or 404 if source does not exist"""
# pylint: disable=no-member
src = self.get_page_src(self.page, 'src', 'md')
if src is None:
return render_markdown(src, self.trusted)
def get_page_src(self, page, directory=None, ext=None):
""""return path of file (used to generate page) if it exists,
or return none.
Also returns the template used to render that page, defaults
to static.html.
It will optionally add an extension, to allow
specifiying pages by route."""
# is it stored in a config
pagename = get_page_attribute(self.pages, page, 'src')
if not pagename:
pagename = page + get_extension(ext)
if os.path.exists(src_file(pagename, directory)):
return src_file(pagename, directory)
return None
def get_template(self, page):
"""returns the template for the page"""
pagetemplate = get_page_attribute(self.pages, page, 'template')
if not pagetemplate:
pagetemplate = self.default_template
if os.path.exists(src_file(pagetemplate, 'templates')):
return pagetemplate
raise MonomotapaError("Template: %s not found" % pagetemplate)
def generate_page(self, contents=None):
"""return a page generator function.
For static pages written in Markdown under src/.
contents are automatically rendered.
N.B. See note above in about headers"""
if not contents:
contents = self._get_markdown()
template = self.get_template(self.page)
return render_template(
# helper functions
def src_file(name, directory=None):
"""return potential path to file in this app"""
if not directory:
return os.path.join('monomotapa', name)
return os.path.join('monomotapa', directory, name)
def get_extension(ext):
'''constructs extension, adding or stripping leading . as needed.
Return null string for None'''
if ext is None:
return ''
elif ext[0] == '.':
return ext
return '.%s' % ext
def render_markdown(srcfile, trusted=False):
"""Return markdown file rendered as html. Defaults to untrusted:
html characters (and character entities) are escaped
so will not be rendered. This departs from markdown spec
which allows embedded html."""
with open(srcfile, 'r') as f:
src = f.read()
src = src.decode('utf-8')
if trusted is True:
return markdown.markdown(src)
return markdown.markdown(escape(src))
except IOError:
return None
def render_pygments(srcfile, lexer_type):
"""returns src(file) marked up with pygments"""
if lexer_type == 'python':
with open(srcfile, 'r') as f:
src = f.read()
contents = highlight(src, PythonLexer(), HtmlFormatter())
elif lexer_type == 'html':
with open(srcfile, 'r') as f:
src = f.read()
contents = highlight(src, HtmlDjangoLexer(), HtmlFormatter())
# default to TextLexer for everything else
with open(srcfile, 'r') as f:
src = f.read()
contents = highlight(src, TextLexer(), HtmlFormatter())
return contents
def get_pygments_css(style=None):
"""returns css for pygments, use as internal_css"""
if style is None:
style = 'friendly'
return HtmlFormatter(style=style).get_style_defs('.highlight')
def heading(text, level):
"""return as html heading at h[level]"""
hltag = 'h{}'.format(str(level))
return '\n<{}>{}</{}>\n'.format(hltag, text, hltag)
def name_obfuscator(name):
"""returns name plus a random six character string joined by a .
characters are a..z or 0..9"""
container = [name, '.']
for _ in range(6):
# 97 = asci a
randint = random.randint(97, 132)
# 122 = z, if over that subtracting 75 converts it to 0..9
if randint > 122:
randint = randint - 75
# add asci character
return "".join(container)
# Define routes
def page_not_found(e):
""" provides basic 404 page"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
defaults = get_page_attributes('defaults.json')
css = defaults['css']
except KeyError:
css = None
pages = get_page_attributes('pages.json')
if '404' in pages:
if'css' in pages['404']:
css = pages['404']['css']
return render_template(
title="404::page not found",
heading="Page Not Found",
contents=Markup("This page is not there, try somewhere else.")
), 404
def index():
"""provides index page"""
index = Page('index')
return index.generate_page()
# default route is it doe not exist elsewhere
def staticpage(page):
""" display a static page rendered from markdown in src
i.e. displays /page or /page/ as long as src/page.md exists.
srcfile, title and heading may be set in the pages global
(ordered) dictionary but are not required"""
static_page = Page(page)
return static_page.generate_page()
# specialized pages
def catalogue_card(isbn):
"""Book specific pages"""
catalogue_card = Page('catalogue_card', title=isbn, heading=isbn)
page_src = catalogue_card.get_page_src(isbn, 'library', 'md')
contents = render_markdown(page_src, True)
return catalogue_card.generate_page(contents=contents)
def source():
"""Display source files used to render a page"""
source_page = Page(
'source', title="view the source code",
heading="View the Source Code",
page = request.args.get('page')
# get source for markdown if any. 404's for non-existant markdown
# unless special page eg source
pagesrc = source_page.get_page_src(page, 'src', 'md')
special_pages = ['source', 'unit-tests', '404']
if page not in special_pages and pagesrc is None:
# set enable_unit_tests to true in config.json to allow
# unit tests to be run through the source page
if app.config['enable_unit_tests']:
contents = '''<p><a href="/unit-tests" class="button">Run unit tests
# render tests.py if needed
if page == 'unit-tests':
contents += heading('tests.py', 2)
contents += render_pygments('tests.py', 'python')
contents = ''
# render views.py
contents += heading('views.py', 2)
contents += render_pygments(
source_page.get_page_src('views.py'), 'python'
# render markdown if present
if pagesrc:
contents += heading(os.path.basename(pagesrc), 2)
contents += render_pygments(pagesrc, 'markdown')
# render jinja templates
contents += heading('base.html', 2)
contents += render_pygments(
source_page.get_page_src('base.html', 'templates'), 'html'
template = source_page.get_template(page)
contents += heading(template, 2)
contents += render_pygments(
source_page.get_page_src(template, 'templates'), 'html'
return source_page.generate_page(contents)
def unit_tests():
"""display results of unit tests"""
unittests = Page(
'unit-tests', heading="Test Results",
# exec unit tests in subprocess, capturing stderr
capture = subprocess.Popen(
["python", "tests.py"],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
output = capture.communicate()
results = output[1]
contents = '''<p>
<a href="/unit-tests" class="button">Run unit tests</a>
<div class="output" style="background-color:'''
if 'OK' in results:
color = "#ddffdd"
result = "TESTS PASSED"
color = "#ffaaaa"
result = "TESTS FAILING"
contents += ('''%s">\n<strong>%s</strong>\n<pre>%s</pre>\n</div>\n'''
% (color, result, results))
# render test.py
contents += heading('tests.py', 2)
contents += render_pygments('tests.py', 'python')
return unittests.generate_page(contents)
def resume():
"""resume page with footer"""
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
resume = Page('resume')
name = name_obfuscator('paul')
footer_content = '''<span style="font-size: 1em">
Download this resume as a <a href="/resume.pdf">PDF</a>.<br>
Contact me: <script>address("%s","paulmunday",2,"")</script>''' % name
resume.footer = Markup(footer_content)
return resume.generate_page()
def resume_pdf():
"""renders up to date resume as pdf from markdown"""
# we need to use actual files here are pdf rendering is
# done by call to external util
tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
resume = src_file('resume.md', 'src')
output = src_file('resume.pdf', 'src')
name = name_obfuscator('paul')
domain = 'paulmunday.net'
header = "#Paul Munday\nwww.{} {}@{}\n\n".format(
domain, name, domain)
with open(tmpfile.name, 'a') as f:
with open(resume, 'r') as rfile:
contents = rfile.read()
# render pdf and remove temp file
subprocess.call(["pandoc", tmpfile.name, "-S", "-o", output])
# read pdf in as string and create flask response
with open(output, 'rb') as pdfile:
pdf = pdfile.read()
response = make_response(pdf, 200)
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "Application/pdf"
return response
## Key Skills and Technologies
Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Bash/Shell Scripting, Perl, PHP, SQL, Processing, Git.
**Linux/Unix Systems and Network Administration**
Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat. Apache, MySQL, LAMP stack, Email(Postfix), DNS,
Salt Stack, Ansible , Fabric, Wordpress, Drupal, Firewalling with Iptables.
Network and security analysis with Wireshark, Nmap, tcpdump etc.
Linux-HA, DRBD, Heartbeat.
**Technical Support**
Linux specialist. Third Line technical support and department manager.
### Other Skills
A certified and experienced tutor/trainer, I have devised and taught a number of IT
based courses and workshops including web design, introductory computing, and sound
editing and radio production.
**Management** I have extensive experience in the non-profit sector, managing paid
and volunteer staff. This has given me experience and knowledge of the particular
challenges faced in this sector including training, recruiting and managing
volunteers. It has also given me a wider set of skills in leadership, facilitation
and community building.
## Work Experience
**June 2016–Present: Lead Software Engineer, Cinderstaffing**
*October 2016–present*
I am currently working on a project to extend the use of the SEED platform to to the residential building sector. I continue to do open source work on SEED as well as work to develop a hosted SEED platform.
*June 2016–October 2016*
I worked as a full time open source Python/Django developer on the SEED Platform, an open source project, backed by the US Department of Energy, that enables local governments to aggregate and manage building energy performance data.
**May 2014–June 2016: Lead Software Engineer, Cinderstaffing**
I was employed as a full stack Python/Django developer, in an agile environment. I worked with Django versions 1.5 and up, as a member of a team working on a large product with over 30 million unique visitors a month and have also been the sole developer responsible for building an app from the ground up. I was promoted to Lead Software Engineer in January 2015.
*Additional Duties:* I was responsible for managing a team of 7+ engineers, working on 3 different projects. My duties include recruiting and interviewing for technical positions. I initiated a paid internship program to bring new developers, especially those from non-traditional backgrounds, to a point where they can be employed as full time engineers. As part of this we developed and successfully launched a new scheduling web app for small businesses that allows them to transition from paper based systems. My responsibilities included providing project management and software architecture for this as well as mentoring the interns.
**September 2013–June 2104: IT Consultant, Northwest Workers Justice Project**
Donated time as IT Consultant to a Portland based non-profit on a ground up
rebuild of their server infrastructure.
- Developed configuration management using Salt Stack.
- Implemented replacement for hardware setup using virtual machines built on
QEMU/KVM/Libvirt and Debian GNU/Linux.
- Wrote custom code in Python to transition data off legacy software.
- Created open source Python module for interacting with CiviCRM REST API.
**November 2010–December 2013: Technical Support Specialist/Coordinator, Free Geek**
Free Geek is a non-profit that donates 1000 Ubuntu machines a year to
non-profits and others with free tech support.
- Managed tech support department providing hardware and software support.
- Provided third line support (Ubuntu Linux).
- Created a suite of tools for automating tech support tasks including a tool
for automatic backup and system and data replication across different hardware. (Bash/shell).
- Wrote a Python library to interact with ticket system api for data reporting
- Developed data recovery process.
- Implemented use of electronic ticket system, replacing paper system.
- Developed and documented tech support procedures.
- Linux system administration (Ubuntu and Debian GNU/Linux. Apache, MySQL, RT,
- Joint manager of organization.
** April 2010–November 2010: Tutor, SUN project Ron Russell Middle School**
Worked as part time tutor at an after school project teaching IT related courses
(e.g. web design).
*February 2009–May 2010: Relocated to the USA. Worked as a volunteer
(due to contractual obligations and visa status) in a number of roles including
IT consultant and teacher.*
** Sept 2005–January 2009: Systems Administrator, Red Snapper Ltd. **
Full service web development agency.
- Managed multiple servers providing hosting for clients using Apache, MySQL
and in house CMS.
- Implemented replacement high availability cluster using Linux-HA, Heatbeat
and DRBD for full mirroring across all servers for > 99.9% uptime and <5s
failover times.
- Provided DNS and Email using Postfix/MySQL and TinyDNS for clients and
internal use.
- Managed and implemented internal services such as vsftpd, LDAP, SVN, IP tables firewall etc.
- Sole responsibility for Linux systems administration (Debian).
- Worked with developers on managing internal software releases.
- HTML/CSS coding.
** September 2003–September 2005: Tutor, Bristol Wireless Co-operative**
Taught courses, did design work and assisted systems administration for one of
Europe's largest non-profit wireless networks using Linux.
** June 2000–December 2002: Systems Administrator, 2Bet Ltd.**
Responsible for all systems and network administration for a software development
company running Tomcat, Apache and MySQL (Linux/Solaris).
** June 1998–June 2000: IT Development Worker, BPEC**
Set up the UK's first low cost public Internet access facility for an educational
and environmental non-profit using Linux server with Windows clients..
** September 1996–May 1998: IT Coordinator, River Ocean Research and Education**
Responsible for IT for an environmental non-profit (Linux/Windows).
## Professional Affiliations
ACM Member (Association for Computing Machinery).
## Community Service and Artistic Practice
**IT & Open Source:** I donate time to non-profits as an IT
consultant and I am a contributor to, and author of, open source projects.
**Artistic Practice**
My artistic practise art is based around using the web as technology for conceptual art. My current focus is on (producing software for) mapping as a tool for digital storytelling and the exploration of the invisble and the intagible in the world around us.
**Board Service.**
I have served as a board member for a number of co-ops and non-profits.
I trained for three years in Dance and Performance, and have performed at a
semi-professional level.
**Radio production and presentation**
I have five years experience of working in community radio.
**Graphic design**
I have done graphic design work on a voluntary, and occasionally professional,
basis for many years.
Volunteer mechanic in community bike projects. Volunteer at Repair Cafe.